Monday 15 May 2017

Mother's Day


Sorry for the late post but haven’t had the internet for a few days, however, let’s get back to it.

On Mother’s Day, I went to the morning service where there was a talk as usual which you will hear about soon as I will be writing a blog post about it shortly. Anyway, after this, the children came back and we celebrated Mother’s Day as a church.

The children all joined us from the back of the church and went to sit at the front, but on their way, they handed out packets of Thorntons chocolate to the women of the church. This meant that I got a packet of chocolate and lucky for me it was dark chocolate. In case you didn’t know I can’t drink milk or anything that contains it.

After all the women had their chocolate, a video played thanking the mothers’ for being who they are which also included what they do and how they can be like: a teacher, a counselor, and a protector.

They then played a quiz game where they had 2 mum’s and their child or children stand at the front on the top level, our church as two levels. A famous mum would come up onto the screen and the mums would have to answer from the cards that members of the church (on the top floor) held, and then they would have to get their child (only one so it is fair) to run and collected the card and the first one back would win a point. They were two sets of cards in different colours, blue for one team and yellow for the other.

In the end, it was a draw.

Hope you all had a great Mother’s Day

Thanks for Reading,

Don’t forget to use the contact box for comments or questions

Amy x

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