Thursday 16 March 2017

New Rainbows


Sorry, it’s been a while but was having trouble figuring out what to write about, well until I remembered that I have just started helping out at a new Rainbows down here in Plymouth.

So as I have said, A few weeks ago I started helping out at Rainbows, I know I’m late again. I used to be a Young Leader at Rainbows back home in Kenilworth and still go back and help out when I am back home. Since I started university I haven’t helped out due to the change of location and not joining a Rainbows unit in Plymouth, but not anymore.

It is amazing how in the same countries you can have so many different cultures and how different guiding can be when you have only traveled about 4 hours via train away. I have only been to 2 sessions in Plymouth so I can’t really compare it to the Rainbows in Kenilworth as I was there for 3 years.

However, there are some things that are obviously different. For example, how they open and end the session: In Kenilworth the meeting is started by getting in a circle and signing the song ‘I can sing a rainbow’ and then end in a different song to say good night; whereas in Plymouth the start the same way by everyone getting into a circle but the sing a different song ‘Good evening friend Rainbow’ and then they end with the same song to say good night.

The promise is also done differently in the rainbows in Plymouth to back home. As Brownies starts right after Rainbows finished they have both Brownies and Rainbows there similarly to Kenilworth but Plymouth does the promise for both kids promising for Rainbows and Brownies. They also use the toadstool which I haven’t seen being used since I was a Brownie which was like 13 years ago.

Kenilworth Rainbows also seem to plan the whole term whereas Plymouth Rainbows have a plan but it’s up to the children what they want to do, But hey love them both. Just means I have another set of name to learn but oh well should be fun.

Any questions please don’t be afraid to ask, just use the contact box

Thanks for reading,

Amy x

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