Monday 19 October 2015



Today we also went to an afternoon service instead of the evening as the church was holding a service at 4pm, this church was River Church that was lovely, so here's what I got from the talk.

Luke 1:35-37

How can something really be, it's impossible. 37 "for there is nothing that God cannot do". God created the world out of nothing, and mankind from dust, and women from Adam rib, therefore just because we can't see what is happening doesn't mean God is confused. He knows what he is doing and can do it so trust the Lord.

Luke 18:18-27

This is an idea that we are limited until you see that you can't heal yourself, how can Jesus help us. We cannot buy our way into Heaven, but learn to depend on God. We must learn to trust him. "What is humanly impossible is possible for God". God gave his son to us, who died on the cross for our sins so that we were saved and therefore allow God to help humanity (us), because we need God, it is not the other way round. Mary needed God to bless her with his son not God needing Mary, although someone had to be the vessel that brought Jesus into the world. Nothing is above God, nothing is impossible for him.

Act 17

God turns the world upside down, he created it and therefore can do the impossible because nothing is impossible for God. We need to do more that just pass by him (meaning going to church), we need to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, not because we believe but because of God and our relationship with him.

Mark 3

Jesus sent out his followers to send a message, preach, spread the word of God, the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.

John 15

This idea that God in the vine and we are his branches show that everyone has someone has a path the God chose for us, something to say, to do. But the fundamental truth is that we did not choose God, he chose us, me.

Amy x

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