Monday, 14 August 2017

The troubled child


I know I am really late with these coming post as they are from the ‘Education Show’ that I went to in March and I know I said that I would post the rest months ago but here they are.


I went to listen to the talk ‘The Troubled Child – education for all’ by Joanne Gray. She started by talking about what teaching is about and the misconception that are made in thinking about head teachers and teachers. For example, a head teachers job is not just to fill out paper work and organise what happens in the school but also to deal with the issues that arise with the children that are in the care of the school. There are many things that teaching includes and many jobs that a teacher must do and be, such as: a nurse; a social worker and of course a teacher.

The current education system isn’t working for everyone! We need to be thinking about school is a different way and think of it as part of the community. We also need to start working around the children as education is mainly about that and I feel it is easy to forget.

We need to identify with the children that need something extra to break down a barrier and help enable them to learn. A team would observe the children that the teachers have identified and therefore if the teacher doesn’t identify them than they are missed out by the team and cannot offer support that would help that child. The method for this is for the teacher to build a profile of the child with the school and then bring in professional help (the team).

They need professionals to help gifted children as a teacher’s job is to teach not to deal and help those who need a bit of extra help. They are taken out of timetable to work with the team for about 6 weeks and then they are gradually put back so that there are then zero problems.

Bringing parents in can help so that the parents know what their child is doing in school as well as the teachers being able to talk to them about how their kid is outside of school and what could be done to solve the issues that their child might have.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it,

Any comments or questions please use the contact box

Amy x

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