Saturday, 5 August 2017

Family Fun Day


So, as I posted last week, I am catching up on my blog and I am sorry for the wait but I have been away in Yorkshire for the past week and had no Wi-Fi so was unable to update my blog.

Anyway . . .


On the 15th of July, I went to Kenilworth Guy Road Park, where the Family Fun Day was being held. I, along with my sister went to help with the face painting stool, but not before looking around. There were many things to participate in: Hunk a duck; Art & Craft; Cream Tea; Tea & Cake; free Burger and of course face painting.

During face painting, I ended up painting: about 5 butterflies, blue, pink & purple; about 4 flowery patterns; 1 or 2 snakes and 1 rainbow. Once I had finished face painting, both my sister and I had our faces painted; I have a flowery pattern while my sister got a red crown with a pink heart in it to represent the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland.

While I was having my face painted, the guy who was in charge of the water kindly offered to get me a burger which I accepted and then ended up getting the last burger, which meant my sister didn’t get one as she was in the line behind the guy. I did give her a bite though.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it,

Any comments or questions please use the contact box.

Amy x

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