Wednesday, 15 August 2018


Hey everyone,

Sorry for not posting in a while but I have been working on my summer referral and the deadline is this week. Anyway, at the end of July I spent a week in Keswick with my family, where we explored both the town and the lakes. We spent this week in a lodge with a slight fly problem.

We first explored a waterfall which was lovely and a beautiful view to behold. We had a picnic at the top of the waterfall where my mother and sister went paddling. However, due to the hot weather the walk felt tiring and had many stops for water so that we all stayed hydrated.

We also spent time exploring the beautiful gardens with lily and had some lovely food in the café after my family looked around the house while I looked after lily.

The time we spent exploring the town was fun and obviously involved shopping and a look at places to eat for later on in the week. This include going into the chocolate shop where I bought prosecco sweets. However, on the day we spent exploring the town we also spent some time down by the lake and somehow manage to lose both lily (our family dog) and Nicola (my sister). Don’t worry we found them!

Since we went on holiday to Keswick it obviously had to rain at least once! So off we went to the Roald Dahl’s exhibition. It was funny as you could tell who was in the teaching profession in the family as my mum and I participated in most of the activities including the children’s activity book whereas my dad and sister went faster. After exploring the exhibition, we went and watched ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ in the cinema inside the same building as the exhibition.

One lovely day we went on a walk over a hill that ended in a swim in the lake. This was lovely and refreshing especially in the sun and heat we were having at the time. Wonderfully hot!

The Keswick convention was happening at the time we were in Keswick so some of our evenings were spent at these services including an evening at Stuart Townend’s concert after the service.

 p.s. I will be writing blog posts on these service in the near future although I am going on holiday to Croatia so it may be delayed.

Thanks for reading

Please give your opinion

Amy x

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