Sunday, 25 September 2016

My Guardian


So sorry about the delay but have been bust moving in to my new house in Plymouth ready for when University starts.

Anyway this service reading read by Megan and Sophie was 1 Samuel 17 which is long and therefore I am going to share the verses that stuck out for me but I would recommend that you read the whole passage.

1 Samuel 17:10

"The Philistine said, 'This day I defy the armies of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other.'"

1 Samuel 17:32-35

"David said to Saul 'Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.' Saul replied, 'You are not able to go against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a young man, and he has been a warrior from his youth.' But David said to Saul, 'Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it."

1 Samuel 17:45-47

"David said to the Philistine, 'You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the lord almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the lord will deliver you into my hands, and i'll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistines army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the lord saves; for the battle is the lord's and he will give all of you into our hands.'"

1 Samuel 17:50

"So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him."

The talk today about this reading was done by Gal at my home church, St John's - Knights Meadows

God's Representative

Life may seem daunting at times as well as what God is asking you to do, but this could be because it is something new but it could also be because it is difficult. Maybe you would ask for the situation you are in, maybe it's an illness, unemployment and a break down of an important relationship whether a close friend or family member or others.

Faithful waiting

Maybe you are in a period of waiting like David. He looked after the sheep from his fathers flock before joining the fight. David was called by God to be an united king spirit. You should trust in God as David did and not your own capability.

1 Timothy 2:5

"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus."

The Challenge

Looks like it is a loosing battle. For David the threat was substantial as they were fight not to become slaves and person the was up against was intimating and he probably felt trapped in fear and getting lost in hope.

Fresh Perspective

This gives us hope. David brings a key ingredient which is a confidence and faith in God. He listens and feels that it is no challenge for God even it may be for you.

What about us?

I you are invited to a wedding in Thailand and you can't make it you have to send a friend of yours to be an ambassador for you as apologies are not enough.

I am an everyday ambassador of God! We are God's representatives.

Hebrews 12:2-3

"Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy that was set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

What do you think might me your 5 stones that God has already given you?


My Guardian

Never Once - Matt Redman

Thanks for reading and sorry about the delay

Amy x

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