Saturday, 2 April 2016

Spring Harvest - Day 5


So since it was such a busy day yesterday I decided to have a lay in so I didn't make it to the morning service, and the plan for today was to explore Minehead so I will tell you about that and share my photos. Then the evening service and the event tonight 'Annastasia Baker'.



Our walk to Dunster Castle included a walk along the side of the beach which I enjoyed although it was rather windy and therefore quite cold.

Dunster Castle

This walk was 2 1/2 miles to the Castle and therefore the whole walk was 5 miles. I was very tired by the end of it and by the end of this day my legs will feel dead as will likely be dancing in this evening service during worship. 

This was a lovely day out, but due to the timing we didn't get to look around the Castle for as long as we wanted too as we had to get back in time to eat before the evening service at 6:45.

However, there was a bird show that was going on that we were able to watch which was great and I got wonderful photos of this.

After the bird show we had a quick look around the inside of the Castle before heading back to the site for food.

As we were self-catered, dad and Nikki walk ahead of be a mum so they could get there quicker and put the food on so we wouldn't miss the evening service.

iScape - Evening

So the speaker this evening was Andy, and after the games and worship he prayed and then began.

Acts 1:6-11

You need to take a step to the next level so you know that you can grow. You followed if God is calling you to the next level.

Galatians 5:22

"But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,"

It's not about trying to be more, but about God planting the Holy Spirit within you, Therefore as you grow as a Christian you will be filled with the Holy Spirit that is here to help.

1 Corinthians 12:8-11

There are gifts to be received by the Holy Spirit, such as;

1. Wisdom

To be given Knowledge

2. Faith

3. Prophecy

Being given images and therefore putting God's word into others

4. Miracles

5. Discernment

Being able to tell that a gift comes from God (Holy Spirit) or something else which is not right

6. Tongues & Interpenetration

When your soul and God connects so that you can understand what he is saying

7. Healing

For this we were shown a video of two guys praying for this girls shoulder  as she couldn't move it pass a certain point and after prayer for her three times she could move her arm completely and the pain was gone, she was healed. After this the men help her pray for Jesus to come into her life and renew her as she asked them to lead her in the prayer.

God can heal you anywhere whether on a park bench or right here is this very room he can heal, maybe even at your school or work place.

Event - Annastasia Baker

This was a lovely event that I enjoyed. I was at the front in the middle and my parents joined me later on. This event was fun and involved lots of dancing and sing and therefore was loads of fun.

Amy x

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