iScape - Morning
So today not only are we focusing on the theme Game Changers but also everyone as God reaches each and everyone of us.
Exodus 17:8-16 - War with the Amalekites
After hearing this Bible story it was then acted out by members in the audience which was funny and helped me understand the story more clearly. After this we were then given 3 questions to think about;
1. What characteristics can you see in Moses, Joshua, Aaron and Hur?
Some responses to this question were;
2. What character would you liken yourself to and why?
3. What character would you prefer to be and why?
Great Leader
Maybe you need to step into a leadership role that God has planned for you or you need help because you feel you are not ready for the role, But you are, you just have to have faith in God's plan and dream for you.
Risk Taker
You must trust in others like Joshua did as he put his trust in Aaron, Hur & Moses because if the stick wasn't up he and the man would have been getting injured and maybe even killed, therefore it was a risk of his life. We should follow this example and take more risks and trust that God will be with us through it all.
Servant Hearted
Knew his significance
If I don't do .... (get the stone for Moses to sit on and hold his arm's up we are going to lose this war)
Hur had vision and knew his significance and his role.
Maybe God has something he wants you to do but your vision is blurred, because you haven't let God show you or you don't see the bigger picture or you don't know whether the dream is yours or God's.
You need to realise your own significance and do the role that God has called you to do. It's not about being the one that everyone sees in the light but performing the significant role that God has planned for you.
Nothing in the world will change unless you change it even if it is in a small way.
This isn't to do with my belief in God but it is a part of Spring Harvest and it was great fun especially doing it with family as I hadn't been swimming with them probably since the summer as I started University in Plymouth.
Media, Arts & Entertainment
I went to a talk on Media, Arts and Entertainment as I felt it would be useful for my University course but also I felt it would be interesting to find out now I could be a game changer in my religious through the subject I enjoy.

Comedy Writer - James
This writer was co-writer for Miranda and wrote 'The God Particle' which is being performed tonight.
In this industry there are not many Christians but he feels that the kind of people that are drawn to this industry don't mind that and in fact would prefer it as there can do want they want like when creating a story.
Artist and Photographer - Mark
He spoke about now he feels he was 'born a Christian' due to being raised around Christianity and has continued in his faith, the only thing that changed is the closeness to God.

He turned down a deal that would have gotten him 250,000 because it was to do with gambling and therefore staying true to himself and the next day he got another deal for the same amount but wasn't to do with anything he said he wasn't doing.
God is everything and therefore you can't turn him down or his love for you. Our identity is in Christ.
Q & A
Being a Christian helps with failure because with this industry you have to fail to get that one good idea and being a Christian you know that we are all flawed and therefore no one but God is perfect.
When talking about the media you may think media influences the people but did you ever think that maybe it's the other way round, that the people have influenced the media.
God gives you your gifts so value them because Christian influence is needed in every area and therefore Christian influence is needed in the media.
iScape - Evening
There are 2 reactions when you hear about refugees on the news and they are;
1. Whats a refugee
2. Scared
Someone fled their home because if they were to stay he would be killed, so then traveled by train to catch a ferry to France only to find out he can't go on the boat as he doesn't have enough money. He is then left with the choice to stay in this country where he will most likely be killed or to travel on this rubber dingy that a man is offering to get to France.
Like I explained the theme of today was 'Everyone' so in this talk we spoke about the disciples.
John 1:35-47
Well the talk today was more about listening and interacting so I am just going to shared bullet points of what I made notes on.
- Can't help but tell people about your encounter with God.
- God knows where you have been and what is happening in your life and he loves you (loves everyone).
- God sees the person you have the capability and therefore will be (the person you will become) not who you are now although he does see you.
- You may have be a Christian for so long that you have forgotten the power you carry in your relationship with God.
You are the gateway to heaven. God lives in you and therefore you carry God's authority.
When you know who you are, and you know what you carry, everywhere is reachable.
When I left the evening celebration the queue for this event was already quite long so me and Charlotte decided to join it, at this time it was 9:15 and the performance wasn't to start until 10, our dad's later joined us and it was worth the queue as it was amazing. I really enjoyed it, we got taught songs and invited to sing along to almost all the songs that were played, we even bought a CD at the end of the performance.
Amy x
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